Wednesday, October 24, 2018

EMAIL HOMEWORK FOR TUESDAY, OCT. 30th: Language for the right tone when giving advice.

Today, October 24, we worked on clear email messages and how to give advice in a kind and respectful way. We discovered that many expressions contain conditionals and focus on 4 main topics: 1) acknowledging positive aspects 2) reminding people of things 3) drawing people's attention to things 4) suggesting /recommending.

Homework for Tuesday, October 30 (I will give you feedback in class if you send me your email by 16:00 on 30-10-2018).

 Choose one of the situations below, and write an email response to your colleague.  Add any extra information you may need. Remember to do the following:
  • Acknowledge what has been done well- (point 1 above).
  • Hightlight the important points - (points 2 & 3 above).
  • Make practical suggestions (point 4 above).

1. A colleague asks your advice about an email to their boss about taking a long period of time off. It contains dates and is clear, but you think the mail is too employee-focused, and that it should explain how the work will be covered.

2. A colleague has sent you a draft presentation for a talk he's giving next week. The slides are full of energy and color, but you feel they detract from the key messages. There is a lot of informative text on each slide, and some of the animation is annoying at times. 


Acknowledge positive aspects
Draw attention to something
Suggest something
I agree that…
we should use green. 

Can I remind you that…/ I would like to remind you that…
It’s important to….use the style guide. / Especially important is…reading the style guide/ the style guide.
I’d suggest …you consult the style guide. / I’d recommend consulting the style guide.

You’ve made a good choice… about using green / on the green.
Don’t forget also…/ Also, don’t forget…to follow the company’s style guide.
I think it’s important…to follow the style guide.
How about….consulting the style guide?
It’s good that…
you chose green and white for the brochure because they are our company’s official color.
Remember… to follow the style guide. / Remember that following the style guide is required.
I’d also like to point out…that we need to follow the guide.
Perhaps it’d be a good idea…to consult the style guide.

Can/could I suggest….?/ May I suggest…? / Might I suggest…? 

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