Monday, November 6, 2017

Words with Brand & Product...

Find the definitions to the collocations with ‘brand’ and ‘product’.


1. loyalty
2. image
3.  stretching
4.  awareness
5. name

a) the name given to a product by the company that makes it
b) using an existing name on another type of product
c) the ideas and beliefs people have about a brand
d) the tendency to always buy a particular brand
e) how familiar people are with a brand

Brand stretching case study: search YouTube for Hawkins Power & Light and you'll experience an example of brand stretching for Netflix's Stranger Things: 

Do you think this is an effective example of brand stretching? How can it help raise awareness of Season Two: Stranger Things on Netflix?

Practice: Complete the sentence with the correct collocation.

1.  The creation of Virgin Cola, Virgin Air, Virgin Rail and Virgin Bride is an example of brand _____________________.
2.  Consumers who always buy Levi’s when they need a new pair of jeans are showing brand  ___________________.
3.   Not enough people recognize our logo; we need to spend a lot more on raising brand_______________________.


1.  launch
2. lifecycle
3. range
4. placement
5. endorsement

a)  the set of products made by a company
b) the use of a well-known person to advertise products
c) when products are used in films or TV programs
d) the introduction of a product the market
e)  the length of time people continue to buy a product

Practice:  complete the collocations with ‘product’.

1  David Beckham advertising Vodafone is an example of product____________________.
2.  A product__________________consists of introduction, growth, maturity and decline.
3.  The use of BMW cars and Nokia phones in James Bond films are examples of product___________

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