Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Sample Power Point Presentation - Writing Tools

Here is a sample Power Point presentaion that I've done up, and which you may use as a guide for the quantity of words to put on a slide. Also, please be sure to check to make sure that the images you choose to include on your slides correspond to the written content. Be careful of overcrowding the slide.

Two final tips:   

1. Check the word order of your sentences: Subject + Verb + Object; these three elements always go together, except for one context (adding emphasis: Only if my sister comes, will I go to the cinema, too).  Most of the time:  The light will go inside the lamp shade.  

2. Please, check your spelling. There is a spelling check on all computers, be it in the power point app, or Word. Just be sure to 'impostare' your langauge to English. Use Google, the Longman Dictionary ( ) , or an Italian-English dictionary, also because they will tell you if you need a preposition or not  (e.g. ask someone a question.... not...  ask to someone a question. )

Wednesday, December 5, 2018

Design Thinking: TED Talk & Creative Challenge for December 12, 2018

Today, (Dec. 5, 2018) we watched a TED Talk about the Design Thinking Approach to life by a speaker who's named Elise Roy.

Ms. Roy is deaf and she used to be a lawyer for disability rights. Then, she discovered that she really loved design and could help not only deaf people, but all people with her unique perspective on the world. 

Listen to the 13 minute talk here, and use the subtitles if you need to.

Elise Roy's TED Talk "When we design for disabilities, we all benefit."



Use the DESIGN THINKING APPROACH to understand another way to use the BAULI Pandoro cylindrical box.  You are free to decide what to do. If you do not want to/ whish to buy a BAULI Pandoro, you may draw out your ideas.  BE PREPARED TO ORALLY PRESENT YOUR RESULTS IN CLASS ON DEC. 12.

1. Define the problem.  You may decide which kind of problem needs attention.
    This may be something local -neighborhood, city, country-, ultra local (your university, home, car), or global (refugees' & migrants' needs, victims of natural disasters, pollution, traffic congestion, etc.).
       It may be a problem that is connected to your daily life (charging phones, a need for a solar panel base for electronic device charging, or something similar). You are free to decide which 'need' could be fulfilled by your re-purposing of the Bauli Pandoro box. 

2.  Empathize. 
   Know your end users and in which context(s) they would be using your repurposed design. Ask yourself: How will this design make it easier for them?

3.  Ideation.
Generate as many ideas as possible. Bring this 'list' or the 'sketches' of your ideas to class. Remember also Tina Seelig's advice to brainstorm and framestorm. 

4. Prototype & Test.
Try your idea(s) out on family and friends. Any kind of feedback can help you decide in which direction to take your prototype(s).

5.  Implementation & Sustainability. 
Use the new design yourself. Is it durable? Will it last?  Offer it to someone else (family members or friends) to try out. Get feedback. That will prove if your design can be sustainable in both senses of the word: long lasting & good for the environment.         

Article & vocabulary to study for the QUIZ 12 December

We read this article today, titled "How to Write the Perfect Email According to Experts" by Rachel E. Greenspan, as published on Time Magazine's website on Nov. 1, 2018: 

 Based on the article, we shared experiences and stories about email writing, as well as the difference between Miss (for young girls), Ms (a neutral label good for all women in the professional world), and Mrs. (usually used for your friends' moms who are married). 

As we read through the article, we discovered 11 (eleven) vocabulary words that were new, or confusing for us. I will list them below, and WE WILL HAVE A QUIZ ON THEM NEXT WEEK, IN ADDITION TO A FILL IN THE GAP EMAIL. 

If you are unsure of what a word means and in which context to use them, please refer to our favorite dictionary, The Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English Online at this website: 


1.  a feat

2.  to amp up something

3.  a tried-and-true way (of doing something)

4.  to sign off

5.  to err on the side of...(something )

6.  peer-like

7.  succinct

8.  to leverage

9.  to build rapport / to build a rapport

10.  to pledge  to do something

11.  to scold someone for doing something

Sample Power Point Presentation - Writing Tools

Here is a sample Power Point presentaion that I've done up, and which you may use as a guide for the quantity of words to put on a sl...