Monday, December 18, 2017

Sample Power Point Presentation: Writing Your CV in English

Oral Presentations: Consolidated List of Expressions + Outline Worksheet


Welcoming your audience:

-Good morning / afternoon. My name is________, and I'm here to talk about_______.
-Thank you for coming. My name is_____________ and this presentation (deals with) (is about)_______________

Listing your objectives:

-The purpose / objective of my talk / presentation / discussion today is to_________________.
 -By the end of this presentation, you will be familiar with.......
-What I'd like to present to you today is...
-I'm / we're here today to present a summary of...
-Today's topic is...
-The (subject) (topic) of my/ our presentation is...
-In my/our presentation I/we would like to give you an overview of...
-In our (summary) (presentation), we'll tell you about/ we’d like to inform you about...
-The purpose / objective / aim of our presentation is...
-Our goal is to give you (a summary of) (an explanation / overview of)...
-What we'd like to show you is...
-Today, we'll be showing you... /we'll be explaining the main points of...

Explain how your presentation is organized:

-I've / We've divided my / our presentation into three parts:   Person A will talk about _____; Person B then goes on to discuss _________; (and Person C_________). 

-Let me / Allow me to give you a brief overview of the main points:  First, _____. Second,__________. And third,____________.

-I will discuss three main points:1)______________, 2)______________, and 3)___________.

Telling the audience when they can ask questions:

-Please wait until the end of the presentation to ask any questions you may have.
-There will be time for questions after my presentation.
-We’ll have a few minutes at the end for questions.
-If you have any questions, please feel free to interrupt me at any time.
-Feel free to ask questions at any time during my talk.

Introducing the first point:

-First, let’s consider________________.
-To begin with, let’s look at how…
-Let’s now turn our attention to the first point:_________.
-Let’s take a closer look at the first point:_______________.
-In this part, I’d like to discuss…
-Let’s begin by highlighting the importance of…
-To begin with, we need to consider_____________ first.
-Let me start off by asking you to look at this picture / watch this short / brief video / listen to this short audio clip. (then ask the audience a follow up question after you have looked at the picture, watched the video, or listened to the audio clip. Then you  may begin explaining your first point.)
-Let's begin with a question: Have you ever asked yourself:________________________

Giving examples:

   For example,____________________.
   For instance, ___________________.
   As we may see from ______, it is clear that________
   As an example, we may (take) (consider)_________
   Take____________: ____________________.
   Take_____________ as an example:______________.
   One example includes_______.
   Another example is_____________.
   As a final example, I’d like to describe_________________.
   We may also use_________as an example.
   _____________is also a good example of this idea.
   Just to give you an example:______________
   Just to give you an idea of what I / we mean, let's look at_______
   To better illustrate what I / we  mean, let's look at an example.
   To explain better the concept, let’s consider____________________.

Adding ideas, or explaining  related details, such as a definition:

   In addition to this, ...
   Besides being_____________, this topic is also____________.
   That is to say…..
   What I / we mean by this is____________________.
   When we talk about__________________, we should imagine____________.
   In fact, _____________________________.

Explaining Cause and Effect:

   If you do A first (If you consider this ) , you will quickly see how important it is because....
   By doing A first, you will see how point B becomes secondary.
   This is caused by....
   This happened because...
   Because of A, B may not proceed first.
   As a consequence...
   As a result...
   This results in...
   The result is_____________

Concluding a point/section:

            Ask and answer your own question:

   What conclusion can we draw from this?
   So, what does this mean?
   At this point, we need to ask:....?
   Why would this be important?  It matters because.....

    Summarizing a point:
·      This brings me to the end of my first point.
·      That’s all there is to say about the first/second / third point.
·      So, that’s what it means to…../ that’s how_________________.
·      And, that’s what it means to…./that’s how_________.
·      So, that summarizes how____________.
·      Therefore, ________________________.

Moving on to the next point

-Moving on....the (second)  (third) (next point) point examines.......
-Moving on to our next point, we may see how.....
- This brings us to the next (question) ( point) ( issue):____________.
-Let’s now turn to….
-Let’s now turn our attention to…
-Let’s now take a look at…
- This brings me to my next point:___________.
-This leads me to the next point, which is__________.
-Regarding_______________, we will now analyze…
-Concerning (catering), the agency thought it’d be a good idea to …
-As far as (catering ) is concerned, __________________

Making reference to visuals:

   If you could just look at the photo / video for a moment, you will see that....
   If you would listen to the brief audio clip, you will hear that....
   To better explain what I / we mean, let's look at this (next slide) (photo) (video) (image) (advertisement).  
   According to this graph, we can observe that 58 % of people do not use________. Therefore...
   As you can see here....
   I'd like to focus your attention on....
   I think you'll be surprised to see that...
   What's really important to observe here is how...

Making reference to something you said / showed earlier:

   As I said / mentioned earlier
   Let me come back to point number ______ for a moment.
   As I've already explained, ___________
   As I pointed out in ______section / on the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, slide_______________.

Concluding your presentation:

Usually, when we say “In conclusion” it means the end of the presentation is about to happen.  Then you must summarize your key points.

        ---> Summarize the main points presented in the talk.

    Let me just briefly go over the key points one more time. We have seen that...
   To conclude, this presentation has presented  A, B, and C. We discussed how.....
   In conclusion, my / our talk / presentation has discussed points A, B, and C and why ....
   In today’s talk / presentation, we have discussed three key ideas / points: First, we discussed______________. Then, we looked at___________. Finally, we talked about_______________.
   To sum up, points A, B, and C have illustrated how....

Give your opinion of the topic’s relevance or implications for your field of work.

-The success of Roma Sposa is so solid that it should become a model for other large-scale events.
-In my opinion, it will be very interesting to see how long social media can influence fashion design because it may affect other industries, such as book publishing.
-The event / marketing model we presented today is flexible enough that it can be used for other event or marketing plans.

Invite Questions:

   And now I'll  / we'll be happy to answer any questions you may have.
   We just have a few minutes for a couple of questions.

Useful verbs:

1   clarify :                  Before we go on, let me clarify one point.
2   depend on:           That depends on your meaning of________.
      focus on:                 When we talk about communication strategy, we need to focus on target customers.
3   go over:     Let me just go over the key points before we go into the details.
4   highlight:              I’d like to highlight the importance of _______________.
5   point out:              At this point, it’s important to point out that the packaging of the product will follow the same color scheme.
6   bring your attention to... :  I’d like to bring your attention to the product’s history.
7   illustrate:              I think this video illustrates very well Chanel’s communication strategy.
8    indicate :  All the online feedback from customers indicates that they would like to be involved in the creation of future products.
9   lead to:                  This leads me to my next point.
10           mention:        As I mentioned / said before,________________:
11           move on to:  Let’s now move on to the next question.
12           notice:            As you watch the video for the Chanel no. 5 television advertisement, you will notice how the logo is present but never mentioned.
13           see:                As you can see from the image,_____________
14            show:             This type of ‘hidden logo’ shows us a new way to make an impression on potential customers.
15            summarize:  Let me just summarize the key ideas in this presentation.
16           sum up:         To sum up, point number one has discussed_________.
17           conclude:  To conclude,________________ / In conclusion,______
18            understand:  Let’s look at this image to understand more clearly the concept.
19            vary:  Customer responses have varied from positive to negative, with the majority of them being positive.

                                  OUTLINE FOR ORGANIZING YOUR PRESENTATION:

Use this outline to take notes and organize your information according to the model discussed in class. NOTA BENE: you may use this as a ‘trainer’ but not during the actual presentation itself.  As I have explained before, this is an exercise in giving an oral presentation, not an oral reading. Anyone who reads their presentation out loud (a voce alta) will be asked to concede their notes and start over.


Welcome the audience:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            

Introduce yourself (first and last name), and your colleagues, if applicable, and say what you do (student or position at an agency):                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 

What is the objective of the presentation? What are you talking about?                                                                                                                                                           

Why is your topic important for the audience? (a new model for other areas of your industry?)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                

How is your presentation organized? How many parts does it have?                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                

Say at which point in the presentation you will answer questions.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

Introduce your first point


                                Give an example (or two or three), or explain in more detail

                                Summarize the main ideas of your first point

Transition and introduce your second point


                                Give an example (or two, or three), or explain in more detail

                                Summarize the main idea(s) of your second point

Transition and introduce your third point

                                Give an example (or two, or three) or explain in more detail

                                Summarize the main idea (s) of your third point


Signal the end of your talk

Summarize the key points


Give your opinion about the relevance or implication of your presentation for your field of work.


Leave your audience with a memorable idea, such as a question, image, or quote from a famous person.


Invite questions.


Sample Power Point Presentation - Writing Tools

Here is a sample Power Point presentaion that I've done up, and which you may use as a guide for the quantity of words to put on a sl...